Scott Ave Syracuse Yard Clean Up Before Pic 2

Small Yard Clean Up Scott Ave Syracuse

Here is a recent yard clean up that we did in Syracuse.

The customer had just purchased the house and needed the top layer of dirt taken up and weeds cut down.

Its hard to tell in the pick but there was a thick layer of wood chips/mulch the previous owner had spread out.

This was causing an infestation of ants which were getting in the house.

Scott Ave Syracuse Yard Clean Up Before Pic 1

So all the old mulch was raked up and hauled away along with the overgrown vegetation.

This should help keep the ants in check.

Below is a pic of the cleaned up area with all the big stuff removed.

Completed Yard Clean Up Scott Ave Syracuse Pic 2

No job is too small, so if your looking to get a small project done like this one just give us a call and we can give a free estimate.