Lawn Care For Landlords In Syracuse NY
Syracuse has a lot of rental properties with the need for lawn mowing services and we are experienced in providing lawn care for landlords.
Most mowing companies will shy away from doing these types of properties for a number of reasons including, small lawns, uncooperative tenants or the extra time needed to pick up a yard of debri.
We are experienced landlords as well so we know the difficulties investors have.
Small yards aren’t a problem
The rental houses located in and around the city of Syracuse NY are usually situated closely together making for small yards.
Many of them also have fenced in yards which means a small lawn mower would need to be used in order to get the job done.
No sweat we can help in this situation.
We run smaller mowers specifically to take care of small lawns.
Uncooperative tenants
Unfortunately owning rentals will not always be a walk in the park.
Some tenants park their cars on the grass, do damage to the lawn as well as make it hard for any work to get done around the property.
Many lawn companies don’t have employees that know how to deal with this.
Chris the owner of Monster Lawn Care Plus is an experienced landlord himself.
So knowing how to deal with tenants won’t be a problem.
We can repair any damage and communicate with the tenant in order to get the job done.
Yard debri and cleanups
When it comes to rental property there will be instances when the tenants leave their possesions or debri in the yard.
This makes it more time consuming for any lawn care company.
Before we can even start mowing the yard will need to be picked up.
This is a major factor why most lawn care services don’t take on accounts with landlords.
We communicate with the landlord and try and eliminate this which in return keeps the cost down and keeps the property looking good.
If your an out of state landlord not located in Syracuse or don’t visit your property often you may not know of other work that will need to be done around the yard.
This can include tree trimming, brush and leaf removal, fence repair or hauling of debri to the dump.
We offer these services.
If were on the property mowing we would inspect the property and let the landlord know of any work that may need to be done.
Best lawn care in Syracuse NY for Landlords
Monster Lawn Care Plus not only offers lawn care in Syracuse NY for landlords we offer other services as well to keep their rental properties up to code and looking good.
The key is communication.
We communicate what is needed and schedule it in.
Billing can be done by credit card online and we have insurance to give you piece of mind.
Plus we offer some affordable rates.